According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly one-half of all nonfatal injuries from occupational assaults and violent acts occurred in healthcare and social services settings. Whether working in a skilled or assisted living facility, healthcare providers often face residents and family members who lose control of their emotions and exhibit disruptive, assaultive and even violent behavior.
Recently the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) opened an investigation at a Colorado nursing facility in response to two complaints received in August 2017 involving workplace violence. OSHA subsequently identified five documented incidents of workplace violence that occurred in 2017 resulting in employee injuries, along with several unreported incidents. According to McKnight’s findings, it was concluded that certified nursing assistants suffered bites, sprains, broken skin, bruising, scratches, soft tissue trauma, and injuries to the head and torso from punches, kicks, and forceful grabs. The nursing facility received one serious citation for failing to implement adequate measures to protect employees from workplace violence hazards. As a result, the nursing facility was fined more than $9,000.
Long term care providers continue to face increased regulatory oversight from multiple federal agencies. It is important that we continue to address employee safety by creating a safer workplace related to these types of behaviors. Please take time to evaluate your employee safety programs and reach out to an AssuredPartners Senior Living Risk Solutions expert for assistance.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor and McKnight’s
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