The 2020 monthly webinars focus on best practice approaches, regulatory updates, operational and risk management techniques to help senior living communities better care for their residents and staff while protecting their business. We invite you to join our specialists at these upcoming exclusive webinars:
Safeguarding Your Resident: Elopement Management
Thursday, October 8, 2020, 1pm EST
According to the Alzheimer’s Association more than 50% of residents in assisted living and nursing homes have some form of dementia or cognitive impairment. Wandering and elopement are very common in this population and can be a serious and costly risk for Senior living communities. According to CNA claims data reviewed from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017, 58.3 percent of elopement incidents resulted in injury, with an average total paid per closed claim of $332,377.2 More than half of elopement claims occur in assisted living facilities (54.2 percent), followed by skilled nursing organizations at 45.8 percent.
Safeguarding Your Resident: Elopement Management will discuss key components of assessing and identifying residents at risk for elopement and ways to provide and maintain security to reduce the opportunity for leaving unsupervised. This program has been approved for Continuing Education for 1.0 total participant hours by NAB/NCERS— 20211007-1.00-A69392-DL.
Return-to-Work Programs: How to Make them Really Work
Thursday, November 12, 2020, 1pm EST
Employees of Senior Living Health Care Communities are susceptible to many different types of injuries due to the nature of their work. Missing work due to work-related injuries can be costly to the community and disrupts continuity of care to the residents.
Return-to-Work Programs: How to Make them Really Work will discuss how to effectively develop and implement a return to work program. Discussion topics will include the benefits of having a comprehensive return to work program, creating transitional duty jobs for all levels of restrictions, getting management buy in, and working with medical providers to enhance your success rate of returning injured employees to full duty. This program has been approved for Continuing Education for 1.0 total participant hours by NAB/NCERS—Approval # 20211111-1.00-A69436-DL.
Starting Off on the Right Foot with New Admissions
Thursday, December 10, 2020, 1pm EST
One of the first risk management strategies you can employ to prevent or mitigate a future lawsuit is to ensure that residents and their families have a realistic picture of what to expect of their time in your senior living environment. That picture is going to look different for each resident, and your facility or community needs to be prepared to paint that custom image during each new admission meeting.
Starting Off on the Right Foot with New Admissions will detail some of the most common expectations a new resident or their family members may have upon their introduction to your facility or community and suggest strategies for addressing those expectations. Ensuring that everyone is on the same page from the very beginning of the admission process is a significant step in preventing a lawsuit down the road when the expectations of the residents or their loved ones is not met. This program has been submitted to NAB/NCERS for approval for Continuing Education hours.