senior living spring webinar detail

Senior Living Complimentary Spring Webinars

03/09/2021 Written by: Cathy Knopf

The 2021 monthly webinars focus on best practice approaches, regulatory updates, operational and risk management techniques to help senior living communities better care for their residents and staff while protecting their business. We invite you to join our specialists at these upcoming exclusive webinars:

Keeping Current with PBJ: CMS Compliance and 5-Star Staffing Rating Analysis

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 1pm EST

CMS has long identified staffing as one of the vital components of a nursing home’s ability to provide quality care. Section 6106 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires facilities to electronically submit direct care staffing information based on payroll and other auditable data. The data, when combined with census information, can then be used to report on the level of staff in each nursing home, as well as employee turnover and tenure, which can impact the quality of care delivered.

Keeping Current with PBJ: CMS Compliance and 5-Star Staffing Rating analysis will discuss any current news and updates regarding PBJ submissions and CMS publications, analyze the staffing rating within the Five-Star Quality Rating System, look at the staffing thresholds in the rating system, the use of agency staffing, and forecasting tools and review using comparative market analysis reports as well as using resident and staffing surveys to help improve overall Five-Star Quality Rating. This program has been submitted to NAB/NCERS for approval for Continuing Education hours.

Registration link:

Biggest HR Challenges for Long-Term Healthcare Providers in 2021

Thursday, May 13, 2021, 1pm EST

Paycor surveyed HR and finance leaders in the long-term healthcare industry to find out what they’re thinking at the close of 2020 and how they’re planning for 2021. Paycor delivers these insights to help you better understand what you need to do at this critical moment.

Biggest HR Challenges for Long-Term Healthcare Providers in 2021 will discuss the biggest HR challenges facing long-term care providers such as: compliance, mental health in the workplace and people management. This program has been submitted to NAB/NCERS for approval for Continuing Education hours.

Registration link:

Adverse Event Interventions

Thursday, June 10, 2021, 1pm EST

Senior Living Healthcare Communities continue to experience adverse events that can impact the quality of life of a resident which in turn may lead to high level regulatory citations, large insurance claims and costly litigation.

Adverse Event Interventions will discuss intervention practices following adverse events such as fall with significant injury, elopement, abuse/neglect, etc. to minimize litigation and regulatory citations. This program has been submitted to NAB/NCERS for approval for Continuing Education hours.

Registration link:

2025 Senior Living Webinar Series Offers Insights and CE Credits
healthcare senior-living

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, staying informed and prepared has never been more crucial. That’s why we are thrilled to announce our 2025 Webinar Series, a yearlong lineup of...

Navigating CMS Updates: Preparing Your Long-Term Care Facility for Compliance and Enhanced Care Standards
healthcare senior-living

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced significant updates to their Long-Term Care (LTC) surveyor guidance, as detailed in the recent QSO-25-07-NH memorandum. Effective...

Disaster Preparedness for Senior Living Facilities
senior-living healthcare

For senior living facilities, disasters—whether natural or man-made—can disrupt care and impact vulnerable residents, making it necessary to have detailed and up-to-date emergency plans. Our recent...