
Hunt Club Insurance

Get an INSTANT quote and FAST coverage for your hunt club with insurance from the outdoor insurance experts.

Why AssuredPartners Hunt Club Insurance?

This program provides liability coverage to hunt clubs for claims that may arise from their hunting operations, alleging bodily injury or property damage due to the club’s negligence. Coverage is restricted to hunting operations on the specified acreage, and a written lease agreement is required between the hunt club and landowner.

Multiple landowners may be added for the same hunt club, and landowners may be covered on the policy as an Additional Insured if needed. Enjoy your hunting experience knowing that you have liability protection from a solid hunt club liability insurance policy.

Type of Insurance:

  • Admitted Carrier (A Rated)
  • Comprehensive General Liability
  • Liability Limit Options:
    • $1,000,000 each occurrence / $2,000,000 aggregate
    • $2,000,000 each occurrence / $2,000,000 aggregate
  • $100,0000 Damage to premises rented to you
  • Medical Payment Limit: $5,000
  • Deductible: $0 per occurrence
  • Member-to-Member Coverage
  • Landowners can be listed as an additional insured
  • Separate certificate issued to each hunt club and each landowner
  • The club must have a written lease with all landowners listed on the application for coverage to apply

Get Connected with an Outdoor Insurance Specialist Today!

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